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Available settings tabs

Operator messagesMessages operators can send to candidates at various stages of the KYC process
Attribute groupsCustom grouping of candidates Identity attributes to facilitate comparisons and review order.
Custom FieldsA single drop-down field with customised values can be attached to every candidate.
AutomationCandidate processing can be automated to automatically approve candidates with suitable certificates.
OthersTurn on or off advanced features

Operator messages tab

These messages ('tags') can be sent by the operator to the candidate at various stages of the KYC process.

By default, operators can enter a free-text message instead of using one of the predefined messages. Free text notifications can be disabled for each notification type with the Allow to edit switch

If only a single message is predefined, and the free-text option is switched off, the notification will be sent automatically without operator input at the appropriate stage.

App notification types

NotificationSent when
ReviewA candidate Identity is being reviewed by an operator
ApprovalA candidate is set to Approved state by the operator
FeedbackFeedback is sent by an operator, setting candidate state to Rejected
DeleteA candidate Identity is deleted by an operator
RejectA candidate Identity has been rejected by an operator
certGenerateAt the same time as the approval notification if a certificate is issued to the candidate.
notificationReminderManually triggered by operator while candidate in Rejected state to remind them to correct and re-upload their Identity.

Attribute groups tab

Candidates Identity attributes can be grouped for faster and easier KYC operations.

This is useful where reviewers are required to compare two or more attributes, for example a name and date-of-birth to an identity document, or where the order attributes are presented to the reviewer should be defined.

Split view

When grouped, attributes will be shown in the Candidate Detail View with a vertically split main panel. Primary attributes are shown on the left, and secondary attributes on the right.

Ungrouped attributes

Any attributes which are not part of any group will be available to the KYC Operator in the Remaining Attributes group of the left-navigation-drawer in the Candidate Detail View.

Custom fields tab

A custom drop-down field can be defined that is attached to every candidate.

The available options and an associated colour for each are fully configurable.

Others tab

Reviews can be sped up by allowing operators to accept all attributes with a single click providing all the candidates certificates are valid and all verifier checks were passed.

Attributes with values that are verified and supported by standard Blockpass certificates (i.e. face match, identity document authenticity, and AML risk certificates) can be automatically locked to 'accepted' so reviewers only need to inspect other remaining attributes.